
Saturday, 21 July 2012

Baptism stole number two

Well I have finished the second of the stoles my sister asked me to make - and while it is again a Baptism stole the finished design is very different! Here is the finished stole

As before a step by step run through how I made it as I have had positive feedback from people who like these.

This was the starting design - the Priest who the stole is for has this on her visiting card and has wanted a stole made with this design for sometime. The PDF she sent me was very small and I couldn't enlarge it so I printed it off and photographed it.

I printed the design onto fabric,  roughly cut out the figures and then used temporary spray glue to apply to a backing. I then used a fine tight zig-zag around the edge and used straight stitch for the details in matching rayon threads. Once this was done I carefully trimmed around the edges.

To give further stability I backed the whole thing with calico - I could have put it straight onto the white backing but was afraid of it getting dirty/grubby. Another option would have been to use a tearaway stabiliser but for what I was making calico was fine as it gave extra body. I used a variegated cotton thread and an appliqué stitch which varies in width to follow clouds/tree shapes in the upper background. I then trimmed away the excess fabric. I then stitched "waves" across the bottom section again using a variegated thread, roughly following the print. To make the fish I used Angelina fibres, fused them, cut small fish shapes, and stitched around them with a straight stitch and then carefully pressed them again - remembering to use baking parchment to protect the iron. I again found spraying them with the temporary adhesive helpful as I could arrange them first and they were then help in place while I stitched them.

The final picture here shows the "fishing net" I stitched this using a lighter tone of blue thread - a rayon again this time and used triple stitch to give more substance to the net so it would show up.

I then assembled the stole - finished! Here are a couple of detailed images of the finished design.

I'm pleased with it - I just hope that the recipient is when she receives it.